Ol Donyo Lengai Hike

Destinations: Ol Donyo Lengai

Tour Overview

Ol Doinyo Lengai, also known as ‘Mountain of God’ in the Maasai language, is the only active volcano in Tanzania and the third highest peak in the country. Located in the Gregory Rift, which is just south of the nearby Lake Natron in the Arusha region of Tanzania.

The volcano is a popular hiking destination for those looking for a unique challenge. It’s one of the steepest hikes I’ve done in my life with 1600m of elevation in just five kilometers. The peak reaches 2,962m and is an interesting geological destination with the carbonatite rock derived from magma, a unique feature in this region.

Ol donyo Lengai Hike

This trek is not for the faint hearted but worth it for the un-paralleled views from the top at sunrise. On a clear day you can expect to see the tips of Meru and Kilimanjaro pierce through the horizon to the east. To the north you can see to the far end of Lake Natron, where its northern shores border Kenya. To the west you will be able to see over the escarpment across the Sale Plains all the way to the Gol Mountains in a view that is so spectacular it doesn’t look real!

The hike takes anywhere from 6-10 hours and the summit attempt often begins in the middle of the night to reach the peak of the volcano. This early start is to enjoy the sunrise from the summit and to avoid the harsh heat of the region, which can often reach 50 degrees celsius.


It’s generally too hot to climb Ol Doinyo Lengai during the day.

Ol Doinyo Lengai is very near to the Equator and so the region is very hot much of the time. The temperature often climbs above 30℃.

To avoid climbing in the heat, you’ll start the hike a little after midnight.

Everyone wears headlamps to help them navigate the climb, even when there’s moonlight. The aim is to reach the top by sunrise, and enjoy the spectacular views brought on by the rising sun!

You’ll then descend the mountain during the morning hours, usually reaching the base at around noon. The sunlight is helpful with the tricky descent.

You’ll then trot on off back to your accommodation for a shower or swim followed by lunch and a nap during the highest heat of the day.

The climb involves a fairly straight climb to the crater rim, followed by a long descent back to the starting point. It’s a very steep climb and ascent, and so isn’t for the fainthearted!

Ol Doinyo Lengai is also quite unusual for being a night-time climb. Only the descent is down in the daylight. As we discuss in a bit, this is done to avoid the worst heat of the day. Setting off at around midnight adds an extra layer of adventure to the whole affair!

The rising sun illuminates the mouth of Ol Doinyo

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Email: info@tamarixtours.com

Address; Arusha,Tanzania – East Africa